What are the difficulties when travelling with prescription medication?
- The laws on prescription medication change from country to country.
- When travelling with prescription medications please follow the steps below:
- Ensure that the medication is legal in your destination country. Do this by checking with your local consulate or embassy.
- Find out how much medication you are able to take with you.
- Bring enough of the prescription to cover your needs for at least two months.
- If your contract includes medical coverage, find out if medication and check-ups for pre-existing conditions are covered.
- Research the country to ensure that they have modern medical facilities. In most metropolitan areas you will be able to find an English speaking doctor. Contact other foreigners in the area to ask them about the facilities.
- Get as much information as you can about your medication. In some countries you might find medication with the same name but a different function. Be prepared to explain to your doctor exactly what you need. Research this carefully before you leave.
- For information about travelling with prescriptions, please refer to www.voyage.gc.ca