FAQ: I Want To Teach and Travel With My Friend/Partner. Can We Share an Apartment?
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FAQ: Travelling with Companions

Can I bring my family?

Can I bring my pets?

I want to teach and travel with my friend/partner. Can we share an apartment?

I want to teach and travel with my friend/partner. Can we share an apartment?

  • Many contracts will try to place teachers with their partner/friend/spouse to alleviate culture shock and ease the teacher’s transition to the foreign environment.
  • If you and your partner are not married, you will need to keep cultural norms in mind. In some countries it is illegal for a man and woman who are not related or married to live together. However, as long as you are discreet about your situation, most landlords will not make it an issue.
  • If you are travelling as a same sex married couple, your marriage will be recognized in countries like Belgium, South Africa, Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, and some US states; however, in many countries your relationship will not be recognized. Please carefully research the country in which you plan to travel.
  • For more information please visit http://www.voyage.gc.ca.