FAQ: What Are The Usual Class Sizes?
35,119 Certified Grads since 1992

FAQ: What to Expect from Your School

Will there be resources?

Will there be a curriculum?

What are the usual class sizes?

What age groups will I be teaching?

Will I have to team teach?

Will there be a native speaker in the classroom?

Will I have to sing and dance?

How many hours a week am I expected to work?

Is there a dress code?

Will I be observed?

Do I need to bring teaching resources?

What if my students do not speak English at all?

What are the usual class sizes?

  • Class size depends on the school.
    • If you are teaching in a private school, you will probably not have more than about 20 students in a class. Sometimes a class can be as small as two or three students.
    • If you are teaching in a public school, your classes might have as many as 50 students. If this is the case you will probably be provided with an assistant or a co-teacher.
    • If you are teaching in a university or college, your class sizes could be quite a bit bigger. Again, you will probably be provided with an assistant or a co-teacher.