FAQ: Will I Have to Team Teach?
35,119 Certified Grads since 1992

FAQ: What to Expect from Your School

Will there be resources?

Will there be a curriculum?

What are the usual class sizes?

What age groups will I be teaching?

Will I have to team teach?

Will there be a native speaker in the classroom?

Will I have to sing and dance?

How many hours a week am I expected to work?

Is there a dress code?

Will I be observed?

Do I need to bring teaching resources?

What if my students do not speak English at all?

Will I have to team teach?

  • This will depend on your contract.
  • You may team teach with another foreign teacher, but it is more likely that you will be working with a local teacher. Generally, this teacher will speak both English and the native language of the classroom. This teacher will often be in charge of classroom management, homework, and drills.
  • Some schools do not require team teaching.